Monday, February 6, 2012


Continuing my research into Shakespeare sources, I have decided to focus on modern adaptations that credit Shakespeare but maybe should give credit to earlier sources.  Here is a blog that shows some famous Shakespeare adaptations: A Literary Odyssey
Some films that I am looking at are West Side Story that is allegedly based upon Romeo and Juliet, but a blog by Liz Dollimore shows that Romeo and Juliet's plot has earlier sources: Romeo and Juliet

Lion King is said to be based on Hamlet and Richard III but the story line for Hamlet (uncle murders king and marries king's wife,  the king's son discovers or suspects the uncle's crime and is haunted by it) are seen in earlier versions from various countries:

1 comment:

  1. If you come across anything for Taming of the Shrew/10 Things I Hate About You or The Tempest, let me know. And any research I do on those things that seems to apply to your topic I will be sure to pass along. Brother.
